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Click here to reset your password.Sometimes in a job search, we are so busy collecting information, we forget to implement what we’ve learned — especially in taking care of our emotional health.
This guided art workshop shows you how to create a personal “Operation Manual for This Awesome Human.” It’s like making your own self-help book.
When I was in career transition, I made a book for myself called, “How to take care of Kerri.” I needed it because I was so focused on getting a job, my emotional health suffered. The book reminded me of how to take care of myself. At first, it felt cheesy until I noticed taking care of myself was the first thing I dropped when I went for my goals.
It had basic instructions.
Some poems.
And an inspirational line or two.
A few years ago, I made a new manual and titled it, “Operation Manual for This Awesome Human. I shared the book with friends and clients. They asked how they could make their own manual.
It’s really a self-help book that you write for yourself. When you’re in a job search you take in advice all the time — this is a way to remember the good stuff. It’s useful for people who like to collect ideas, but aren’t great at implementing. You know, if you read a lot of self-help books and your Instagram saved folder is overwhelming — this manual allows you to take all the things that inspire you and what you already know about yourself and put it together in your own guide.
You could make one to support a project. Your job search. Or, you may make the manual and use it for years.
In this 1 hour class, I:
– show you what is in my operation manual
– lead you through a short meditation to ground yourself
– guide you through a short art workshop on how to add color and design to the pages
– suggest content ideas to fill the pages with words that support your job search
Get some paper, pens watercolors (if you have them), and join me in making your own support guide.